@mathewi 7 years ago
RT @zunguzungu: In a way, though, isn't EVERY artist a discontinued headphone jack, stuck on a bankrupt container ship that no port will accept?
@pmarca 7 years ago
RT @dbreunig: The shipping container of the future will break down into modules small enough for self driving semis, cars, and drones.
@mathewi 7 years ago
RT @Interdome: artist Rebecca Moss is currently stranded in an artist residency on board an undockable Hanjin container ship http://us1.forward-to-friend1.com/forward/preview?u=e10561183f0e62b12acdcc855&id=abb2e7ceb8
@BenBajarin 7 years ago
I’m now the proud owner of a shipping container. Every farm needs one right? https://t.co/02NOH9XHZE